The Makansutra food guide has resurrected! The new 2025 food e-guide is out.
We’re back after the post covid hiatus (cos’ so many things were coming and going) and this 2025 edition is fully refreshed, reviewed and recharged. Firstly it’s still free, no fees, no on-site purchases, & no kidding! It’s our ode to this hawker and heritage food culture. 27 years on and 13 editions in, we’re still learning, thanks to your support and feedback. Of course we’re not authoritative, no guide is, even as we barrel towards our 30th year in this field.
You will see fresh touches in this 2025 e-edition. 500 listings, new terms like Good One and Two Good for our iconic chopstick rating system, hawker and recipe videos, go-to map links and a new “Two Good, You Die Die Must Try”, featuring 36 best and across the island section, for this with less than a week in Singapore. The flip page, jump to and page scroll features are all still there.
Again we emphasize, no listing and rating is permanent. Give a reason and we’ll put them on a pedestal or boot them out. Give us your constructive and valuable feedback at contact@makansutra.com. We also have a slew of events like special tours, omakase hawker meals, pop up gigs.. etc. We’ll keep you notified here via your email or your mobile.
Good food and great authentic heritage culinary experiences need not be expensive. Creativity is not a flavour. Eat well. Die happy. No regrets!
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok… for more delicious tales as we tease and please you all!