Chocolate cars that run on grapes, anyone?
By Victoria Lim - Friday, Dec 18, 2015
Celebrating Singapore’s golden jubilee year, we cannot help but think what SG100 would be like. Would the skies be filled with flying cars and jet packs or the entire country might be enclaved in a giant air-condition dome? The future, we cannot predict – we ain’t no prophets, just your everyday Singaporeans. But here’s a peek into our food future, thanks to a talk by Janice Wong of 2am:dessert bar. She kick started our brain juices when she spoke on what may happen to the food scene 30 years down the road.
So here are three things that we took away from the talk and our take on it – which we hope it wouldn’t be true, at least in our lifetime.

1/ Food toys
We’ve seen edible bras and panties, so hearing that edible toys are available doesn’t surprise us. Janice spoke on her creations, chocolate yo-yos and chocolate balls (you can smash them to reveal a surprise inside). To us that sounded like a kick-ass invention, play with your toys and then eat them up, clean-up is not required – mothers will be forever grateful. Let’s take it up a notch, how about chocolate car, when the COE is up, they zap it and, you can eat your car. Better still, let it run on grapes so it spews out wine by the exhaust. Buy a car and you will not need to starve, this will help save the environment as well – everything is bio-degradable.

2/ 3D Food Printers
If we told our ancestors that we are now able to have a change of heart literally, they would put us on a stake and burn us alive. Just like how a heart transplant is possible now, 3D food printing would be a common thing of the future. Maybe one day, sending an email would be the pizza delivery – email a pizza and print it out to eat. If only we can find a way to print the complex sambal that requires a day of stirring and slaving in front of the stove – wouldn’t the world be an easier place to live.

3/ Enzymes
The healthiest way to replace sugar (for now) is to substitute it with enzymes. And we have tasted Janice’s tasty creation, Enzyme Brownie. We reckon for a healthier and wholesome food world, everything has to be gluten-free, fat-free and sugar-free, dairy-free, egg-free, soy-free, no trans fats, low carb, non-genetically modified organisms, organic and vegan. This is the perfect world for the truly dull, free from the need to live and experience life.

These are some off-the-chart-predictions that we made. However in all seriousness, the future of Singapore’s food lies in our hands. It is us who will determine the future of our hawkers and local cuisine, will they stay or will they leave; not technology.
For a peek into the future, Chef Janice will be holding two sessions at The Market Place (near the Future of Us exhibition) on the 19 December 7-8pm and 20 December 8-9pm