Da Dinner Dating Code – Girls Talk Back
By Lorraine Koh - Thursday, Oct 06, 2011
We always say, the men just don’t get it. What exactly are we looking for in a dinner date, especially since it’s the first time you’re meeting each other? Are Singaporean women really hard to please? We ask Violet Lim, CEO of dating service Lunch Actually. “Big no-nos on a dinner date include, talking with your mouth full is one. Having sauce dripping down your chin is another. If you do not know how to use the utensils in its proper sequence, the general guideline is to start from the ones that are on the ‘outside’ and start moving inwards. Other than sloppy eating habits, the biggest turn off on a first date is someone who complains about everything under the sun. This is a first date, and not a therapy session!”

She continues, “The dinner date setting should also be a proper restaurant and not a food court or a fast food restaurant, especially if you are the guy, and you are the one who asked her out on the date. Otherwise, chances are, you will not get a second date!”
Our dinner dating code deciphering panel includes:
Deborah Fernandez, 30, public relations associate
Charlene Lim, 25, events manager
Joey Piyong, 30, senior trade marketing executive
Steph Xu, 30, private banker
Dating scenario #1 – Your date mistakes the dessert spoon for the soup spoon.
Fernandez: It’s quite endearing, in an artless manner.
Lim: He is rather silly isn’t he?
Piyong: He probably doesn’t come to restaurants often.
Xu: I wonder if he is too nervous, or maybe he’s just a himbo.
Dating scenario #2 – Your date orders something deep fried, fatty and oily.
Fernandez: I would think that he is immature due to his poor dietary choices!
Lim: I would observe his face closely for any telling zits and pockmarks.
Piyong: I will welcome him with open arms, and let’s share!
Xu: My favourite kind of guy, since I love fatty and oily stuff too.
Dating Scenario #3 – Your date does not eat vegetables and finishes his food in ten minutes.
Fernandez: Again, I would think he is immature and unsophisticated due to poor dietary choices.
Lim: He is probably a picky eater and I will wonder if he has dry skin and bad breath.
Piyong: He probably can’t put his army days behind him but he does pressure me to eat faster.
Xu: Since he’s gobbling down his food, I will wonder if he finds me boring, or if he’s just hungry.
Dating scenario #4 – Your date is a wine connoisseur and proves his knowledge to you.
Fernandez: He’s pretentious and a potential show off
Lim: That’s great news, since I know nuts about wine. I’ll leave him to choose something great to go with the food.
Piyong: I will be both impressed and intimidated.
Xu: He is someone who knows how to enjoy life.
Dating scenario #5 – Your date knows how to appreciate desserts.
Fernandez: I like dessert so appreciate a like-minded fellow. Desserts are easier to forgive than oily food. And indicates a generous spirit if he’s picking up the tab.
Lim: Rejoice! There’s more dessert to go around!
Piyong: Yes! We finally have something in common!
Xu: Wonderful!! Not many men loves sweet dessert, he is a rare gem!
So guys, the moral of the story is: Learn how to use your utensils correctly, order a hearty but non-fattening main course, eat your greens, reveal your wine knowledge but don’t go overboard and eat loads and loads of desserts!
Some of the behaviours that break a date include – talking about your ex-girlfriend, continuously texting on your mobile phone and running away when the bill arrives. Notice how the big date-breakers have nothing to do with food? Although food does play an important part in your date, in the end what makes a second date possible is how good one’s communication skills are and how much chemistry is generated. Good luck to all the singletons out there!