Herbal Chicken
By Makansutra - Friday, Sep 09, 2011
The Lowdown:
Essentially it’s a spring chicken sitting in a bed of chinese herbs whose essence has been infused with the juice of the little fowl. The herbs used are largely to invigorate and keep you alert. They include red dates, tong sum(ginseng) , yok chok (polyconattum) and kay chi(medlar seeds). The broth is simply sweet and enriching.
Makanmata (food police) Jimmy says ” Mmmm…among the best I’ve had. The herbs pass through the chicken. The infusion is good”. The chicken was surprisingly moist and tender unlike most other unworthy competitors where their fowl is baked and nuked to near cardboard status and soaked in a herbal concoction.
After 20 minutes of mmm..ing and wow..ing, the team gave this a two chopsticks (excellent) rating.
Getting there:
It’s along Bukit Timah Rd right opposite the Turf Club in a lane called Old Holland Rd. Most if not all, taxi drivers should know where it is (Turf Club, that is). Go there on race days for dinner and the smell of crisp S$50 notes permeates the air. Wads of it will be exchanged and counted, usually accompanied with a smile.