It’s Beer Time
By Joanne Yeo - Wednesday, Oct 17, 2012
Singapore’s current craft beer scene – is about 8 brew pubs, 2 microbreweries and over 200 specialty beers distributed around the island by more than 10 importers. It spells one thing – it’s beer time, and its high time for a celebration of international craft beers. Enter the Craft Beer Week.
In collaboration with around 80 participating brewpubs, microbreweries, restaurants and bars, Singapore will be holding its first Craft Beer Week from 22 to 28 October 2012. Expect craft beer and food pairing, brewery tours, promotions from the participating companies islandwide, etc. Here are some of the main highlights of the one-week long event.
Craft Beer Education Understand the difference between ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ beer flavours at this interactive ‘Old World/ New Frontiers’ event put together by 3 local brewpubs, RedDot BrewHouse, Paulaner Brauhaus and Brewerkz and microbrewery, Archipelago Brewery. Participants can also get to sample their craft beers and assess them based on what they have learnt from the experts by rating their malt, hop etc. contents .
Price of $35 per pax includes beer samples and food. Email info@evolvebev.com to make reservations.
Food and Craft Beer Pairing Like how there is art in pairing food with wine, At Craft Beer Week, Next Door Café is offering a night of food and extreme craft beer pairing on 23 October (Tuesday). Diners will be treated to six rounds of tasting session, with each round serving a particular food type (e.g. European cheeses, smoked duck etc.) accompanied by 2 different types of craft beer (100ml each). Some interesting craft beers to look forward to are Rogue Double Chocolate Stout (8% ABV) that is flavoured with Dutch bittersweet chocolate and Stone Brewing Smoked Porter with Chipotle Peppers (5.9% ABV).
Seats are limited and priced at $90++ per pax. For reservations, email contactus@nextdoorcafe.sg or call 6291 1351.
Free Brewery Tours Various brewpubs such as Paulaner Brauhaus, Brewerkz and RedDot BrewHouse will be opening their breweries for the public to tour on 26 October (Friday). Brewers will be guiding visitors to understand how small-scale brewing process is carried out. In addition, get to sample some of the freshly brewed beers at the premises.
The above are some of the highlights of Singapore Craft Beer Week 2012. For more details on the abovementioned and other events, visit the official Singapore Craft Beer Week at http://www.singaporecraftbeerweek.com/