National Day: National Teh Parade
By KF Seetoh - Thursday, Aug 07, 2014
National Day lai liao..but I orways wonder- they show plane la, boat, guns, soldier la, big company loko , chio bu stewardess also got, sing song, dance with big-big costumes, posters and umbrellas with raincoat and , and…a lot of wayang la, plus the energetic DJ keep saying “ I ken heeer youuuuuu!”. BUT, I say, what’s the big deal leh, udder country oso got wat. Even fireworks, no big tua ling kong leh. I say ah, we orh must show what we ornee have, show the things uniquely us mah. Of cos I toking about food la (besides our President and LKY hor), plus Newater.

Last time I think they got some food display- they get some kanchiong people to run across the old National Stadium with big-big pikcher of chilli crab la, chicken rice etc, etc…that type of thing. And now, oso got giant powerpoint pikcher of makan. Eh hallo, organiser ah, song can sing along hor, chio bu can look see and wash eye, plane fly past fast -fast can go “waaaaaaah laaaaaau ehhhhhhh”, but food…not for looking only hor, MUST EAT WAN LEI! They get those poor kena sai duty soldier boys to put dunno how many thousands cake ah, tau huay chwee, ah huay drink packs and keropok (I think must be those healthy healthy type wan) into goodie bag. Then we all line up like siao lang for dunno how many hours under the sun to get in, then sit in the stadium, sing , laugh, cry- try to feel la, like Singaporean lidat. Then when over- you eat cake and drink tau huay chwee and go home. Walaueh…hallo, lidat, go kopitiam eat rojak, lim kopi-o, put feet up and watch “live” parade on big TV better la- more Singapore feeling sia.

I kena invited to see one of the dress rehearsal that day, and I so blur- dunno to wear white shirt, red tee or bochap, so I wear both lor. The white shirt I kiasu, I use as a head sarong and sunshade. Then my inviter say Minister Chan Chun Seng will speak, say hello and network la. I so honoured. He tok about army (cos he last time top General mah), pioneer generation lao lang package, how to give free NDP ticket away whether line up or online ballot la, then let go some tok kong figures on powerpoint oso got. ..then he ask “who got questions about NDP? Please ask.” One happy fella praise-praise, say got so many young people behind the scene for this year’s NDP and he very impressed lidat (mebbe he dun know some of these army and school boys and girls all kena arrow and bo pian but to do this for the country). Then he ask “any more questions?”, so I let go one “ Why ah, since makan is so comforting a culture for us, got no national makan bazaar at National Day? Mebbe get 80- 100 hawker sell kilat-kilat authentic Singapore food in small- small portion and subsidised after the Parade for a couple of weekends.”. I so proud I stand in front to hear his answer summore.

Then he let go some answer like how they promote food in the vicinity la, how food made must be delivered fresh or food poisoning la, and how the biscuit and pack drink all specially chosen la… Wah, I lost him there, dunno where and how cheem he going with my question. Suddenly I am like kena out of body experience deh- I can see myself standing 8 feet in front of him looking like blur sotong lidat and catch no ball summore. Then I thought he say somthing like “wanton bus”. Walau, I felt he so ahead of time, think of wanton mee food truck idea for National Day lah, like mebbe 100 of them along Raffles Boulevard after the show. I suddenly come back into my body again, so excited. But what he akcherly say is, the “one ton ballast” the helicopter carry to balance the national flag when fly past. Then I lost again and my leg lembeh oredy, need to jiak po, makan wanton mee and sui kao for sustenance liao.

Aiya, blur or not blur, I think it’s sure shiok if after some fireworks, we all can jalan out and have a custom made special Singapore unique makan pasar malam cooked by we orh for we orh. Because after we see, hear, think, dance and sing National Day things ah. We must also eat like National Day oso mah, to complete the show. Hantum some Indian Rojak, roti john, gasa some Katong laksa, Punggol Mee Goreng, wallop ha cheong kai, lim milo dinosaur or Newater teh tarek…then balek home and sleep shiok shiok.
Happy 49 birthday my beautiful Singapore.