Singlish Angmo Wanton Mee
By KF Seetoh - Friday, Aug 16, 2013
They now have a song about Singlish on National Day. I so jealous leh, I think we also must have food review in lahlah language oso. So I think back last month, my friend keep jio-ing me to go this place to try try the food. But if I just go lidat, they say I cheap, got invite only go, (anything also hantum, like rubbish dump lidat), then if donch go, then say I no give face. Jialat la, life of food reviewer, very kangkor.
So I do recce recce a bit first, send friend go there bluff bluff, pretend act like customer, behdeh behdeh, then give me feedback and see how. They come back and say, “power ah.” This they say one ah, not me hor. It is the former Angmoh fella now called Ah Huat who sells wanton mee and is a woman. I know it sounds not three not four but donch blur hor, stay with me la.

Mdm Irene Neo is the one last time sell wanton mee at Tembeling Road. She den say want to retire, ”lao liao, health no good la” bla bla… and den two brother fella sell high class umbrella one, come and buy her business lor. Recipe sell… brand also sell. Den she siam, relak abit and retire lor. Sekali about one year later, this Mdm Irene ha, open stall and sell again. Hiya, I straightaway wonder lidat got make the earlier buyer angry anot. Because people sure say do business where can lidat. But she so steady la, never even look at me and then answer “no leh, I work here for my brother Ah Huat only what, this one not my stall mah.” Wah, she pandai leh. Her shop name is Joo Chiat Ah Huat wanton mee (Dunman Food Centre, 271 Onan Road, #01-05, 7am-4pm, close Mondays). The two fella that bought her business last time now open a shop about 500m away only, called Hong Mao (or Angmoh) wanton mee (the original name la).

Of course I sure go and try both mah. Aftward they say I kelong. But after makan both, wah, surprise leh. Both so different one. Mdm Neo I last time eat, was ok la, not so like die die must try. When she sell the recipe that time, the new owner say she blanch, then shake the noodle, dip in cold water then shake shake again, so all the water come out and make mee qq. But she never do it like that now leh – just blanch, shake shake , then put in plate already with char siew and chye sim and the special chilli soy sauce, a bit kiam and sour. Quite same same as last time la. The noodle ha, must eat fast fast, udderwise get sticky sticky lumpy lumpy lidat. No time to order kopi-o la, udderwise the mee stick and turn to kueh liao. The wanton in the soup quite nice la, traditional and the meat inside got abit of bijit bijit cartilage. Shiok.

The Hong Mao Mian Jia one (182 Joo Chiat Road, 7am-8pm, close Mondays), I dunno what happen. Dun taste like the original leh, and they say same recipe summore. But dun boo them ha, because different is not mean lousy hor. Their mee, wah… very q and dry. I think they fling fling the mee after blanch put cold water then fling fling many times again. Den lidat, the sauce den sticks to the mee easy la. The sauce, more like traditional lidat. Got sesame oil taste abit, soy sauce got, abit oyster sauce oso got and the chilli sambal is spicy and little bit sweet. Taste hor, I think this one more powdeful, and their cha siew got nice chow ta and as thick thick oso like Mdm Irene one. But wanton lose a bit and tak kena lidat. Mdm Irene char siew got less chow ta.
Akcherly, I think both stall oso got their own supporters. Wanton mee, is like so many people like so many types type. Of course you sure best judge lah, because it’s your own mouth mah!