The Life in a Day of the RSS Formidable
By KF Seetoh - Tuesday, Jan 28, 2014
Watch the video of KF Seetoh’s makan adventures on board a Republic of Singapore Navy frigate. (This is a continuation from last week’s article “Formidable meals out at sea” http://www.makansutra.com/stories/1/1074/Formidablemealsoutatsea).
The folks at Republic of Singapore Navy invited KF Seetoh and Makansutra to spend a day on board a stealth frigate warship to check out the galley and the life on board. It is believed that the Navy is the last bastion in the Singapore army where soldier cooks are still found, and this is one of the reasons why we salute this very important soldier in the kitchen. A soldier fights on his stomach and these Navy chefs (known as Military Expert in navy lingo), churn out meals despite the constant pressure physically and mentally.
Their Chief Chef Xanda Chua was kind enough to share the recipe of this international meal he served to his fellow soldiers that day (scale down accordingly if you are cooking small portions).
Spaghetti Bolognese with Honey Glazed Chicken and Meat Balls
Serving Size: 80-90 people
Bolognese sauce
3kg minced pork/beef
10 tomatoes cut into cubes
5 carrots blended into mini dice
100g red chilli
5 onions cut into dice
5 cloves garlic
6L tomato puree
10 bottles tomato sauce
5 packets of individually packed cheddar cheese like Cheesedale or Krafts
Tobasco sauce to your preferred taste
1/ Stir fry the garlic and onions in a bit of oil.
2/ Add in tomato puree, minced meat, diced tomato, diced chilli, diced carrot, and tomato sauce.
3/ Add 2-3 litres of water and bring to boil. Reduce to desired texture and taste.
4/ Add cheese, slice by slice, to bind it.
5/ Add salt, pepper, and a bit of sugar and tobacco sauce to taste
Meat Balls
10kg minced pork/beef
5 carrots blended into mini dice
3 onions cut into dice
3 table spoons of minced garlic
8 eggs
900g corn flour
100g mix herbs (rosemary, oregano, thyme)
2 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoon pepper
2 teaspoon light soy sauce
1/ Mix it together, and roll it into the size you want.
2/ Deep fry the meat balls at 120°C.
3/ Do not deep fry the meat balls with too high a temperature as the meat balls will char.
4/ Pour the meat balls into the Bolognese sauce to serve.
Honey Glazed Chicken Wings (Marinating Sauce)
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoon sugar
100ml honey
250ml light soy sauce
250ml oyster sauce
1/ Marinate the chicken wings in the sauce for 2-4 hours.
2/ Bake the chicken wings in the oven at 150°C for 30-40 minutes.