The Street Food Pro 360 (街食专家360)
By Makansutra - Monday, Jun 02, 2014

The popular world of our comfort and street food culture extends in various fields and opportunities. The Street Food Pro 360 by Makansutra looks at where the culture of street food resides and is “headquartered”, what the opportunities are for the passionate entrepreneur and investor (beyond being a successful hawker), and the culture, new kitchen skills thinking/approach and recipes plus how to get onto the “food map market space” and be noticed. All, within a mindfully curated course format.

This course is created in conjunction with and aligned to The World Street Food Congress, which seeks to Preserve, Professionalise and create new Possibilities in the dynamic world of the comfort street food industry.
This first phase of this course will offer a wide broad-stroke look into the world of street food business (models) skills, opportunities and its cultivation. This course is to give course students a good basic grounding and overview of the game on the field.
The Street Food Pro 360 course comes with a 90% funding subsidy by e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) for Singaporeans and PR only.

The team behind it are a group of dedicated professionals in the field. The course is the brainchild of Makansutra founder and World Street Food Congress creator KF Seetoh. He brings 18 years of knowledge of the comfort and street food industry to the equation. He will also be conducting and lecturing some aspects of the course. Assisting him will be well known names of the industry who will spend time and effort teaching the students the ropes.

Programme outline

Course details – First Phase
Fees: SGD3,000 per student
Funding: 90% subsidy by e2i for Singaporeans and PR
Intake: September
Location: Various classrooms (e2i classrooms / Makansutra training rooms / on location at food centres-kopitiam-hawker centres / restaurants / training kitchens)
All slots are filled up for the September intake. We have got 18 students coming from all walks of life. From new gen hawkers to second gen hawkers to mid careers switch professional. We will teach them how to cook basic multicultural dishes. Street food pro 360 will armed them with the business culture, social media responsibility and the culture.
If you would like to join the course, do fill in the information below and email us at sfpro360@makansutra.com . We will keep you updated when the second intake start.
Contact number and email address:
Current job and position:
In under 100 words “why you want to join this course”:
What you hope to achieve after this course, for a start:
Should you have further query or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at sfpro360@makansutra.com or call us at 6438 4038
Watch this space as we roll out more exciting information.
Updated as of 30 July 2014