Traditional Jemput Pisang
By Sim Ee Waun - Tuesday, Jun 04, 2013
How often are we left with a bunch of rapidly ripening bananas hanging from a hook in the kitchen? You look on in dismay knowing that by the next day, it would have tipped over its ‘use by’ date and you know you won’t be able to finish it on time. This traditional kampong recipe is another easy last resort to use up the fruit. What’s more, it’s a pretty traditional and very simple recipe which brings back kampong memories for some, no doubt.

Ingredients (Make about 20 balls)
150 g self-raising flour
3 1/2 Tbsp sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
A pinch of salt
2-3 very ripe bananas, mashed (preferably pisang raja)
50 ml water
Oil for deep frying
• Combine flour, sugar, egg, salt and bananas in a bowl and mix until well combined.
• Add in the water, a little at time, to form a moderately stiff batter.
• Heat oil until hot, then carefully drop tablespoons of the batter in and deep fry until golden.
• They float when they are cooked.

Note: They continue to brown for a little while after they are removed from the heat so lift them from the oil a little before they take on the brown hue.